Thursday, July 14, 2011

Corona Bowl-ealis - The Northern Bowl

Ancient Greeks believed Corona Borealis to be the beautifully jeweled crown given to Ariadne after she was dumped by Theseus. But the formation of stars is so distinct that many other cultures saw different images in this region of the sky. For example the Australian Aborigines thought this constellation was a boomerang flying through the heavens. In a Native American legend it is the cave where the great bear lives. And at different seasons it looks like either a smile or a frown.
The Shawnee Indians saw the seven stars of the crown as seven beautiful maidens. One story tells of a brave hunter named White Hawk who was resting in a clearing one warm summer day. He was jolted awake by a giant silver basket descending by a silver cord from the clouds. Upon closer inspection, White Hawk noticed that the basket was occupied by seven stunning young women. When the basket touched the ground, the maidens stepped out of the basket and danced wildly in a ring. White Hawk watched from a good distance but crept closer. He was so enthralled that he wanted to ask the most beautiful maiden to be his bride. But when he approached, the women jumped into the basket, pulled the silver cord and flew back into the sky once more.
The next day, White Hawk returned to the same clearing at the same time. This time he disguised himself as a rabbit in the hopes of getting closer to the babes. Sure enough, the basket with the women descended again to the ground. They danced. He hopped closer (as a bunny)... but the disguise didn't work. The women jumped back into the basket, pulled the cord, and flew skyward. "Drat," White Hawk said.
So he tried it again the next day - this time disguised as a mouse. And for some strange reason, maybe his costume was better, maybe he was mousy already, the disguise worked. He scurried up to the seven maidens and grabbed the fairest of them all, and carried her away. White Hawk is represented by the bright star Arcturus, while the fairest of the maidens is brightest star in the Northern Crown, Alphecca.
The name Alphecca comes from an Arabic word meaning, "Bright one of the Dish." This refers to the Arab vision of this as a dish or bowl. Thus I call it "Corona Bowl-ealis." It's all a matter of perspective.